Tuesday, April 25, 2006

photostory of my life

my friend maggie had to do a photoessay for her photo journalism class, and she chose me as her subject. she followed me around some at work and at home and put together this photostory of my experience here in chapel hill. here are the eight photos she chose, i thought i'd share them with you all.

photostory 1

photostory 2
photostory 3
photostory 4
photostory 5
photostory 7
photostory 8

Monday, April 17, 2006

what have we come to?

Some of you may have seen in the news that there is a bill in South Carolina that would allow second-time sex offenders to be given the death penalty. You might have also heard that a young man in Boston killed two ex-sex offenders after he found their names and addresses from the Police Dept.'s website, then turned the gun on himself in a bus full of people. I think these stories bring up an interesting trend in thinking. Our society has become so vengeful that we seek death even when it's not required. I'm the first to admit that sexual abuse, especially when it's done to a child, is one of the most heinous crimes. It does not, however, merit that we take the life of an offender. There are many sex offenders who have recovered and are trying to build and live what little of a normal life they can. Do I think they should be locked up for quite some time? Yes. Should they be given therapy and help so that when they are released, they don't commit again? By all means. Should they be put to death if they do commit again? Absolutely not. I think if they are released and commit a second time, the length of their sentence should be increased drastically. But to put them to death is to worship the god of violence, and our country has worshipped this false idol long enough. This is just another dry spot in the throat of a blood thirsty society.

Monday, April 10, 2006

if he's just a dead man, let's all go home

Christ is Risen!!!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

those who have ears to hear..

i'm going to do all you wonderful people who read this a favor and suggest some amazing bands that you've probably never heard of but most certainly should. here goes:

all things bright and beautiful - solo stuff by lee bozeman of luxury fame
the lassie foundation
wayne everett incredible. watch "a million leaves" video.
pretty much anything on this or this label is amazing.
mike roy- a good buddy from vintage21
finally, you should click on the links to the right under music i love, because all those bands are amazing as well.
it is my hope that one or more of these artists will fill your heart with joy as they do mine.

QUICK EDIT: I have to add Bonnie "Prince" Billy to this list. I've heard his record with Tortoise, and wasn't too thrilled about that, but tonight picked up one of his own records, and I must say to you all, it is simply amazing. If you are a country music fan of any kind, you MUST pick up Bonnie "Prince" Billy "sings Greatest Palace Music." (or at least click the link and listen to a few songs) I'm dead serious. Go buy it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

ah, the turpin genes

folks, i swear to you, this is going to be me in 50 years. (this is my gramps, my mother's father.)