Monday, April 17, 2006

what have we come to?

Some of you may have seen in the news that there is a bill in South Carolina that would allow second-time sex offenders to be given the death penalty. You might have also heard that a young man in Boston killed two ex-sex offenders after he found their names and addresses from the Police Dept.'s website, then turned the gun on himself in a bus full of people. I think these stories bring up an interesting trend in thinking. Our society has become so vengeful that we seek death even when it's not required. I'm the first to admit that sexual abuse, especially when it's done to a child, is one of the most heinous crimes. It does not, however, merit that we take the life of an offender. There are many sex offenders who have recovered and are trying to build and live what little of a normal life they can. Do I think they should be locked up for quite some time? Yes. Should they be given therapy and help so that when they are released, they don't commit again? By all means. Should they be put to death if they do commit again? Absolutely not. I think if they are released and commit a second time, the length of their sentence should be increased drastically. But to put them to death is to worship the god of violence, and our country has worshipped this false idol long enough. This is just another dry spot in the throat of a blood thirsty society.


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