Thursday, March 16, 2006

this little piggy said a bad word

I've been trying lately to cut back on how much I swear, something which is a fairly new bad habit of mine. I've had mild success, until something happens like what just happened. My bed is very simple, consisting of a metal frame, a box spring, and a mattress. I don't mind simplicity. I actually like my bed. However, having an old metal frame has its disadvantages. Case in point: I was walking by the bed and ran my foot right into the corner of the frame, thus putting a nice little gash in my right foots pinkie toe. As much as I have been trying to will myself not to swear, I could not help but let a loud "SHIT!" escape my lips (along with maybe a few others). Needless to say, this is a problem that I would like to work on, but honestly, "darn" just doesn't cut it anymore for me. I need to find some words that carry the same level of exclamation without the negative side effects. In the meantime, I'm not sure if it's broken or not, but my pinkie toe hurts like hell (that one doesn't count, it's biblical).


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