Tuesday, March 14, 2006

art is hard

I really need to create art more often. It is something I truly enjoy and yet somehow I don't do it as often as I should.

I have all these things I'd like to put down in writing, and yet I'm very tired and emotional as of late, and once I begin, it's hard to focus. But it would probably be worthwhile.


Blogger Forrest said...

Yeah, man. I hear ya.

The more I write or make art or design (or TRY to do any of those) I realize what a struggle it is. I can identify with how full-time artists/writers/etc. say they are tortured people. For me at least, I have to make stuff, I have to write, I'm compelled to. I can't not do it. But actually doing it can be a really difficult, and even painful, process. For me, it takes getting to a breaking point after having neglected it for a long time.

What's can also be frustrating, is when I finally make some art or write something, it always seems to be anti-climatic, no matter how great it is. Even when someone tells me how much they like it and how much it means to them, I've worked on it so hard and put so much of myself into it, that I'm just tired of it and want to move on to something else.

I dunno. Just what I think :-).

2:40 PM  

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