Wednesday, April 05, 2006

those who have ears to hear..

i'm going to do all you wonderful people who read this a favor and suggest some amazing bands that you've probably never heard of but most certainly should. here goes:

all things bright and beautiful - solo stuff by lee bozeman of luxury fame
the lassie foundation
wayne everett incredible. watch "a million leaves" video.
pretty much anything on this or this label is amazing.
mike roy- a good buddy from vintage21
finally, you should click on the links to the right under music i love, because all those bands are amazing as well.
it is my hope that one or more of these artists will fill your heart with joy as they do mine.

QUICK EDIT: I have to add Bonnie "Prince" Billy to this list. I've heard his record with Tortoise, and wasn't too thrilled about that, but tonight picked up one of his own records, and I must say to you all, it is simply amazing. If you are a country music fan of any kind, you MUST pick up Bonnie "Prince" Billy "sings Greatest Palace Music." (or at least click the link and listen to a few songs) I'm dead serious. Go buy it.


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