Monday, August 14, 2006

God vs. Allah??? REALLY??

I was reading an article about Bush's "shit" comment last week, and noticed there was a comment section below it. I scrolled through the comments a bit, and found this example of why it scares the hell out of me that there are people in this country who basically worship Bush and who think that God is fighting a war and using our troops to carry out His "will." So far removed from any grain of truth. Read with the warning that this may anger you (well, not that you haven't heard it before):

We must continue to remain loyal to Bush. I know he’s slipped up on a few things… hell, he’s made some pretty galling errors. Like Norman Mineta. But let’s go over a brief list of what Bush has done for us:

- Samuel Alito
- Bush Tax Cuts (Hell. Yes.)
- Supported opposition to abortion
- Supported our most important institution: the marriage of a man and a woman
- Stood strong on important stuff. His father caved on taxes when his polls looked down. Not Dubya.
- He literally inspires fear in terrorists. Just his name. Just because liberals crow with laughter dosen’t mean the terrorists aren’t frightened sick that the most powerful someone in the free world is determined to kill them all.
- Helped to being the clearing of the previous administrations ridiculous roadblocks to military force and law enforcement. Speaking of which…
- The Patriot Act.
- He’s wiretapped, fund-tracked, cash-strapped and in other ways hindered the terrorists. Let’s just hope the NYT dosen’t ruin all of them.
- He continues to call the evil people evil, and seems to really understand that God and Allah are at war. This is invaluable. Would you rather have someone who never caved to liberals on something like education bills but failed to see this war as the fight between good and evil that it really is?
- And let’s not forget that notoriously strong Bush economy that the NYT is so desperate to ignore all the time.


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